Can You Have the Same Body After Having Children?
Jan 05, 2022✨ Most people would say the answer is no because that’s what most people experience. In all actuality the answer is YES! Are you wondering, am I full of it? And do I really know for sure? And how can that be? Well the proof is in the pudding and I have had two children and not only is my body what it was before I had children but it’s better!
✨ This post is not to brag at all, that is not my style. It is simply to be informative because there is so much misinformation out there. Even when I was pre-kids I was terrified of how I would get my body back and if it was possible? Who better to hear it from and to see it from than someone who has gone through it?
✨ Let me preface this with everybody’s body is different and the challenges for each woman will show up differently. To clarify, the amount of work and the length of time it takes to get the results will vary depending on the individual. Another very important factor to getting the amazing results I speak of is that one must partake in an exercise program prior to getting pregnant, throughout pregnancy and then resume post pregnancy. If you keep active throughout, then you are more likely to not gain excessive amounts of weight that are unnecessary and lead to other unwanted side effects (i.e. stretch marks, bloating, swelling and pain).
✨ I worked out throughout my pregnancies and made modifications as I got further along and closer to term. You are doing yourself a disservice by becoming inactive when you are pregnant because your pregnancy will be more difficult and getting yourself back after delivery will be more of a challenge as well.
I have worked with many women in the prenatal and postnatal state and they do beautifully with every stage. If you have any questions, contact me and be safe about your pregnancy workouts!
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