Evaluating Relationships

relationship coaching Jan 13, 2022

All types of relationships can be tricky. These include your first ones with your parents, and then your friends and continues on with your significant other.


I was reminded of the different dynamics as I am spending time with my family as they have come for a visit. Especially as we talk about experiences and things that have happened over many years…takes me back to how I have been through so many different phases in my life.


✨We all want to navigate relationships successfully but often fail to and sometimes we don’t know why. It would save us a lot of pain, frustration and anger if we had the keys to making these relationships prevail. I want to offer you a few of the reasons that might be culprits and can help you manage them better.


✨First, communication is key. When things are misinterpreted or misconstrued, we can often find ourselves going down a rabbit hole and making things worse. In order to avoid this, it helps to pause and consider where the other person is coming from and to really see their perspective. If this is someone close to you, it is highly unlikely their intentions are hurtful so do yourself a favor and keep that in mind.


✨Second, remember the role this person has played in your life and continues to play in your life. Is it worth your getting upset, holding onto a grudge or letting things get out of hand when the relationship holds more importance in the overall big picture of your life? Perhaps having a productive discussion over what’s bothering you would be a much better alternative.


✨Lastly, choose your battles. The reality is we will not see eye to eye with everyone, including those close to us. At times it is better to let things go and not bother trying to prove a point or win an argument but rather let things be.


✨These few recommendations can give you some peace and help avoid mental frustration. As you go into the holidays and spend time with loved ones, it will be helpful to keep this in mind.


✨Message me and let me know if peace of mind is a struggle for you.

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