Surviving the Holidays

mental health well being Jan 05, 2022

You made it through the holidays! And I know for some, unfortunately it isn’t pure joy and bliss but there’s anxiety and distress that surrounds the occasion.

✨ If you feel the anxiety, unease, or unhappy, it helps to find ways to deal with these feelings leading up to the holiday and after as well. Your feelings may stem from current tension or past trauma/pain that is brought out on this occasion with those from your past. There is no erasing history but you can always find coping mechanisms for that which puts you in uncomfortable positions or makes you feel sad and unhappy.

✨ Gratitude plays a tremendous role in helping shift your mindset from the past to the present. Take time to focus on all that you are grateful for currently and what you have moved past, rather than reliving what causes you pain. Yes, I know, easier said than done but it is possible and the decision is yours. You will be helping yourself by taking control of your head space and feelings and this will permeate into your actions and how you go about your days and your interactions with others. You will only be doing yourself a huge favor by elevating your mood and improving your productivity wherever you choose to.

✨ Set your intention on something in the the future that you desire to help not fixate on the past. When you set your vision onto something that you will attain or achieve, your focus shifts. This shift will set you up for forward progress and keep you from going backwards.

✨Most important, remember you are only in control of your thoughts and actions and not those of others. What others do may have an impact on you but it’s your choice as to how you are going to let it affect you and for how long. Your life is precious and short, don’t let it be wasted by negativities from the past. There is too much on the horizon for you to look forward to.

As a life coach, I am all about helping my clients with their forward progress! If you need support on your forward momentum, contact me today!

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